Democrat Rep Hakeem Jeffries on Biden Border Crisis: “Invasion is Not a Word I Would Use” (VIDEO)

Democrat Rep Hakeem Jeffries on Biden Border Crisis: “Invasion is Not a Word I Would Use” (VIDEO)

Democrat Rep Hakeem Jeffries was on CBS’s “Face the Nation” Sunday morning to discuss topics including the border and Joe Biden.

Jeffries serves the 8th Congressional District in New York and is the House Minority Leader.

Margaret Brennan asked Rep. Jeffries about the border and the surge of illegals.

“He used that word, invasion, he used much stronger language. Do Democrats need to campaign with a stronger message specifically on immigration and you know the flow of migrants is only expected to pick up in the coming months. This isn’t going away as a campaign issue,” Brennan asked Jeffires.

“Invasion is not a word that I would ever use,” Jeffries responded.


Hakeem Jeffries: “‘Invasion’ is not a word that I would ever use” to describe Biden’s deadly border crisis

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 10, 2024

Invasion is an accurate word to describe what is happening at the border. Under crooked Joe Biden, at least 11 million illegal aliens have crossed the border since January 2021.

That number equals about the population of 41 individual states.

Brennan continued and asked Jeffries about the lack of enthusiasm among black voters regarding Biden.

“That core Democratic group that he won with about 90 percent back in 2020 is showing it seems like a lack of enthusiasm. How does President Biden fix it?” Brennan.

“Well, the polling has been all over the place but I’m confident that at the end of the day in November the overwhelming majority of African Americans, Carribean Americans, black voters throughout the country will support President Biden,” Jeffries said.


Hakeem Jeffries denies there’s a lack of enthusiasm for Biden among Black voters and says he’s “confident” they’ll “understand that [Biden] has delivered over and over and over again”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 10, 2024

The reality is that the Democratic party has abandoned the black community in favor of supporting illegal aliens, especially in Democrat-run cities.

President Trump has gained more support from black voters, while Biden is on a downward trend.

The post Democrat Rep Hakeem Jeffries on Biden Border Crisis: “Invasion is Not a Word I Would Use” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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