Trump Rages About Republicans Going After Other Republicans in Video Absolutely Trashing Other Republicans


Donald Trump on Saturday tore into his 2024 GOP rivals and fellow Republicans Mitt RomneyPaul RyanBill Barr, along with GOP donors, Republicans in general, and the party overall in a video complaining about lack of loyalty, failing to stick together, and Republicans “going after” fellow Republicans.

Trump posted a video to his Truth Social account on Saturday blasting Republicans old and new, along with the donors and his 2024 rivals (though not by name) before finally remembering to squeeze in some criticism of President Joe Biden at the end of the clip.

Trump’s video is a reaction to news that Romney and Ryan hosted a summit for “non-indicted” 2024 candidates for the Republican nomination to speak to big GOP donors. In attendance were former Ambassador Nikki Haley, former Vice President Mike Pence, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, along with a few hundred attendees and big money types.

Trump initially posted his video on Truth on the day the news broke, but in a fit of nostalgia created a brand new Truth Social post featuring the clip on Saturday.

In the clip Trump insults the other candidates and the party’s former nominees, mocks the donors as “broken political investors,” and then complains that Republicans don’t “stick together.”

Trump has been relentlessly trashing his 2024 rivals, as he does and has done to all who don’t support him personally, whether they formerly worked for him or not, whether they are conservative or not, and indeed regardless of any accomplishments or their record.

“The Republican Party should unify and they should unify fast,” said the ex-president after trashing the party in his usual style and in keeping with his brand.

I understand candidates that are losing by 57 to 70 points are getting together with RINO Paul Ryan, mitt the loser Romney, Bill no guts or no talent Barr, and some broken political investors that will soon come to me, as most others already have. These failed candidates should have started by campaigning effectively, which they didn’t because they really don’t have the skill or the talent to do so. Romney, who today couldn’t get elected dogcatcher in the great state of Utah, should have beaten an absolutely failed first term obama. Should have beaten him very easily. If he and RINO Paul fought as hard against Obama as they do against President Donald J. Trump, they would never have lost. They would have beaten Obama. But remember, Republicans eat their young. They really do. They eat their young. Terrible statement, but it’s true. And that’s the problem with so many in our party. They just don’t have the loyalty and the strength to stick together. They go after people who are on their side rather than the radical left Democrats that are destroying our country. These people are losers, and the Republican nation must stop following their failed ideas and policies. They only help the worst president in the history of the United States. The most corrupt president. The most incompetent president. Crooked Joe Biden. We don’t want to help him. We have to get him out of office. The Republican Party should unify and they should unify fast. We need Joe Biden out of there. He’s destroying America. Thank you very much.

Watch the video above via Trump’s personal social media site.

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